Duaa Nasiri

O You to Whose mercy one flees!
You in Whom the one in need and distress seeks refuge!
O Master, You Whose pardon is near!
O You Who help all who call on Him!
This highly potent du'a by the renowned Sufi Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Nasir, was recited across Morocco and inspired resistance to the French Occupation. So powerful was it that the French President had to issue an order banning its recitation from the mosques. Moroccans date the movement to return King Muhammad from that outlawing of the du'a. It is appropriate to the present state of the 'Umma.
An Audio Link of Du'a Here...
English Translation by Aisha Bewley and Arabic Text Here...
thanx for picking that up.
Its all fixed up now :)
Assalaamualaikum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatahu
O u r their who r forever !
alhadmulilah !!
Assalaamu Alaikum,
A very good selection of useful information. All the best.
Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi Media Team
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